Drift Racing Industries

GCG=Turbo Charger JHJ-9VA13 Audi 2.0L TFSI CAWA/CCZA/CAWB 2005>06J145713K EXCH

  • Sale
  • Regular price $1,520.00

Gasket are included with our TEX program turbocharger

A GCG TEX (Turbo EXchange) is a turbocharger that has been through GCG stringent inhouse rebuild process, and is a combination of new and reused componenets. All reused parts are measure and tested to OEM specification, and go through a chemcial and ultrasonic cleaning process to return to near new condition. Assembly is to manufacturers specification using the latest Schenck VSR Balancer, CIMAT Flow Calibration Bench and Turbomaster Oil Pressure Test Rig. A TEX turbo is a direct replacement fit for the unit being removed off the engine, and in most cases comes with a gasket fitting kit ready supplied. All TEX turbochargers are supplied with JLM Turbo Prelube.

See how they are manufacturerd here: https://youtu.be/Da04y-8H9ig

Brand: IHI
Type: RHF5

  • 2008-17 Volkswagen, Audi, Seat

Engine Manufacturer: VOLKSWAGEN AUDI GROUP (VAG)
Engine Model: TFSI Engine codes: BZB, CGYA, CAWB, CCTA, CDAA, CDAB, CBFA, CCZA, CCZB, otto engine, CAWB. (CCTA) 2.0L. CCZA. CCZB.(TQ2) 2.0L
Fuel Type: Petrol
OEM Part Number: 06J145713FX, 06J145701N, 06J145701T, 06J145702K, 06J145702L, 06J145702T, 06J145713K, 06J145713KX, 06J145713L, 06J145713LX, 222271, 25654030248,06J145702K
Turbocharger Part Number: IHI06J145713KTEX
Previous Versions:


  • An additional $350.00 core deposit will be applied to this unit, which is 100% refundable upon the return of the old turbocharger, and as long as the following conditions are adhered to in our TEX Turbo Exchange Policy. Our TEX policy can be found by clicking the "Downloads" Tab on this page.
  • This Turbocharger may be supplied with an original compressor housing that has been cleaned and sandblasted (stock level dependant)?